closet roulette web app screenshot

Closet Roulette

A digital closet that enables users to upload images of their outfits and transforms them into virtual attire.

JavaScript React Node Express MongoDBStripe APISendGrid API

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lambda notes web app screenshot

Lambda Notes

A Full Stack note taking web application that enables authenticated users to manage their notes.

JavaScript React Node Express MongoDB

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random quote generator project webpage screenshot

Random Quote Generator

A Random Quote Generator built using AJAX utilizing a JSON-encoded, third-party external API to fetch quote data. Also integrated Twitter Web Intents to enable users tweet out quotes.

JavaScript AJAX Fetch API Quotes API

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tribute webpage screenshot

Responsive Website

Simple single page reponsive tribute website to Superman

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap 4 Responsive Design

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image gallery screenshot

Image Gallery

Simple image gallery

HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Design

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landing page screenshot

Landing Page

Simple landing page

HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Design Bootstrap 3

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color game app screenshot

Color Game

Simple Color Game where you guess a color based on a given RGB value

HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Design JavaScript

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wiki viewer web app screenshot


A Wikipedia article previewer built using React that utilizes the MediaWiki API to search for the user's query.

React.js Webpack JavaScript Wikipedia API

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